Doggo Moon

Solana's first frictionless
liquidity and trading layer




For Traders:

Highly Efficient Swap Rates

Due to enhanced liquidity management, traders can execute swaps with extremely low slippage and price impacts. stabble's arbitrage pools always ensure the fairest market prices for all tokens across the protocol.

Liquidity Providers:

Maximum Capital Efficiency

Thanks to a new type of liquidity pool, liquidity providers benefit from higher capital utilization rates and efficiency through margin liquidity and arbitrage pools. Protocol-managed liquidity offers a new approach to pool diversification with enhanced risk mitigation.

Projects & LPs:

Cross-Exchange Market Making

Projects or liquidity providers can manage liquidity and pricing for their tokens across all major Solana decentralized exchanges. By facilitating cross-exchange market making and liquidity management, they can create liquid markets with consistently fair prices while generating profits.



$STB & veSTB Holders:

Yield Farming & Governance

$STB holders can stake their tokens and earn staking rewards. Locked $STB tokens get converted into veSTB tokens and receive an APY multiplier of up to 4.3x. The stabble DAO is governed by veSTB holders.

Launching our own DEX exchange soon!

$DGS Token

Strategic partners

To The moon